
Nicole George: Helping People Choose Their Golden Path

Nicole George: Helping People Choose Their Golden Path

Often in life, we let the noise of others’ opinions drown out our own inner voice, either to “fit in” or find acceptance among our peers. We allow them to dictate our lives, making us feel small about ourselves and letting us believe that we might not be doing something right or have the wrong ideas. The bad part is, thinking this way for a long and living within the limitations of other people’s thoughts can be detrimental and lead to low self-esteem besides a loss of confidence in your abilities. Hence, it becomes necessary to give yourself permission to be your true self, and not live a life that someone else thinks is perfect for you. Nicole George, the founder of The Intuitive Life Hub, helps people do just that and more – instill courage in you to choose your own path and create an ecosystem where your heart and intuition are the driving force behind your life, not society. 

Early Life

Like every second person, Nicole, too, was part of the common rigmarole of the corporate world. She worked as a nurse and nurse leader for large healthcare companies in California for over 18 years. Although it was fulfilling and entailed a great salary with other benefits, Nicole was not satisfied with leading an “unchosen path” that was painted by others’ stories, rules, expectations, and beliefs. Feeling burned out, she quit her job in 2020. With a chance to participate in a free webinar on how to face your fears and become an entrepreneur in a soul-aligned way without any hustling and pushing, force changed the course of her life. She felt it in her co-creation with the Universe to align her life with her true self with a focused mind, body, and soul connection.

To some, it might have looked like a clear case of a mid-life crisis, but Nicole had never been more sure of anything else in her life before. This shift took her from an unchosen to a chosen path of a new, intuitive life. In 2021, Nicole fell serendipitously into the world of intuition, aligning herself with her life’s purpose to become an entrepreneur. She trained as a light worker, healer, and numerologist besides getting double ACCPH certifications.

Birth of The Intuitive Life Hub

Sometimes, breaking away from the shackles of living under the shadow of someone else’s belief system is not easy. A guiding force, be it a group of people or just one person acting as a beacon of light, is necessary to help others get on their golden path. Led by this intent, Nicole founded The Intuitive Life, a community of women experts who help guide people, especially females, in all areas of life, including wellness, business coaching, trauma recovery, and health. The trained women experts at The Intuitive Life Hub who believe you are enough, help individuals live the life they have always dreamt of. They use a combination of formulas, including intuitive life and business coaching, nutrition and health coaching, women’s health, and menstrual cycle support coaching, trauma recovery coaching, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy). They also use immensely effective and unconventional formulas such as Human Design Readings, Reiki Healing Sessions, Kundalini Yoga, Chinese Medicine Infusion, and Tarot Card Readings.

Here, an individual has an option to choose amongst the experts in case she wants to focus on a particular area like trauma, career, or health. Before connecting them with the experts, Nicole gets on calls with her clients and helps them figure out who might be a better fit for them. The call is free, and an individual has a choice of moving forward with the services or not. Nicole and her colleagues believe in accessibility and that everyone has the right to be happy, healthy, and in alignment with their soul’s purpose. “Our approach is different with different people. Some feel they are overweight, so we have nutrition and health experts to tackle the issue. Some have been through a traumatic experience and need help with recovery, so we assign a psychiatrist for them. Similarly, we have coaches for aspiring entrepreneurs and other areas of life that exhibit problems and need attention. We need to dig deep into what a person really wants without the clouded judgment of other people’s opinions,” Nicole says.

Embody Your Essence

Everyone has a unique path that can be attracted by living in alignment with your life’s purpose. Hence, any resistance to it should serve as a cue to start questioning one’s stand. A non-aligned life feels overwhelming and stressful. These feelings come from what society thinks your life should be centered around, like the idea of beauty, an ideal weight, the amount of money one should have, or the position one should be in. The Intuitive Life Hub works on the principle that what we know is best for us, and we should follow that to get on the “chosen path”.

Intuitive coaching is an advanced coaching technique that relies on intuition, energy, and inner wisdom as the main guiding principles to help clients live their best lives. Nicole and her team’s customized services lay questions in front of the client that helps clear the inner turmoil they are facing to break down the mental blocks and walls they have built around themselves. Since 95% of our thoughts are in the sub-conscious part of the brain and act as the driving force, Nicole believes that we must reprogram it to understand the true purpose of our soul.

The Road Ahead

Nicole believes that in the coming times, The Intuitive Life Hub will become a center for everything that is intuitive in the world. With offices in England, Australia, the United States, and various other places, the company has experts all over the world and in all areas ranging from psychologists to coaches, healers, wellbeing facilitators, therapists, yoga instructors, and more.

In advice to the women who are just starting their entrepreneurial journey or feeling stuck somewhere down the road, Nicole says they need to constantly do the inner work to see whether they are living in alignment with their true purpose. “As an entrepreneur, your judgment can get shrouded with people telling you what you should or should not do. Hence, resilience is key here. There will likely be a point in your business where you ask yourself whether you should quit or keep going. It is that resilience that will make or break your business so remember to keep at it with all your heart and soul,” Nicole says.

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