
Rebecca Edwards Redefining Safety for Communities with SafeWise

Rebecca Edwards Redefining Safety for Communities with SafeWise

The world is rapidly evolving, and with it, the challenges to personal and community safety are on the rise. Rebecca Edwards, Spokesperson and Lead Expert for SafeWise , has embarked on a remarkable journey, transitioning from higher education to becoming a passionate advocate for home and community safety. Rebecca's passion is fueled by her desire to champion a proactive approach, and a commitment that goes beyond mere advocacy; it's a genuine crusade to ensure that every home, every community, is not just a place of refuge but a bastion of security. As the face and voice behind SafeWise, she underscores the importance of safety and provides concrete solutions, valuable insights, and practical tools for everyday individuals.   

Finding Her Calling in Safety    

Rebecca never imagined she would become a leading voice on safety and security. However, looking back on her varied career journey, she sees how it prepared her for her current role as spokesperson for SafeWise. Rebecca started out as a single mom who chose to prioritize motherhood and left journalism to navigate the responsibilities of parenthood while running career colleges where she was responsible for many people's safety.   

Although Rebecca temporarily left professional writing, it remained an important part of her work in higher education. She taught classes, wrote curriculum, and produced newsletters. Throughout her career in education, she also held the safety and well-being of students close to her heart. This experience laid the foundation for her future endeavors in safety and security.   

When Rebecca felt pulled between career and family as a corporate executive, she took her own advice to follow her passion by returning to her first love—writing. "Writing was my first love," Rebecca recalls. "I used to always say I was born with a pen in hand." She wrote her first play in first grade and was published in the local paper in fifth grade. Rebecca loved writing growing up and, in college, worked for the Associated Press, covering a major murder trial.   

Rebecca explains, "I finally took my advice one day. I felt like I had climbed to the top of the corporate ladder, but I needed to get back to my passions." Leaving higher education, Rebecca started consulting and writing just as digital journalism began transforming the field. She contributed to local magazines and websites, blending her interests in writing about safety and security. Among these opportunities, SafeWise emerged as a prominent platform for her unique perspective on safety and security.   

Transforming SafeWise into a Lifestyle Brand   

Rebecca initially began writing for SafeWise as a freelancer, just one of many gigs. However, she quickly became their primary writer and was eventually hired as a full-time staff member.   

As her expertise and writing resonated with the SafeWise audience, Rebecca's involvement with the website deepened. She saw an opportunity to transform SafeWise from a reviews site into a comprehensive lifestyle brand with a focus on safety. Rebecca says, "I realized I could turn this marketing website into a mission."    

This idea was met with confusion at first. But Rebecca pushed ahead, trying to establish SafeWise as a lifestyle brand focused on safety. She expanded into new areas like YouTube videos, social media, and community outreach programs. For example, SafeWise partnered with Lyft to provide free rides in cities with high DUI rates during major holidays. "We started some programs and did some things that could really make an impact on changing statistics." Bit by bit, her vision came to life as SafeWise evolved into a comprehensive brand.   

Writing for SafeWise allowed Rebecca's passions to flourish. Through research and storytelling, she could empower people to protect themselves and their communities. Rebecca transformed SafeWise from a marketing platform into a mission-driven, women-focused perspective on safety. Now, as SafeWise's spokesperson, lead expert, as well as the Branding and Marketing Manager, Rebecca aims "to help people and make their lives safer." She serves as the "heart and soul" driving the company's transformation into a lifestyle leader on safety. Rebecca's passion and persistence made her goal of being the "Goop of safety" a reality.   

Empowering Safe Communities    

SafeWise's mission is to "empower people everywhere to build safe communities." They strive to inspire people to embrace safety as part of their lifestyle, make their homes sanctuaries, and invest in strengthening their neighborhoods.   

To achieve this, SafeWise serves as a comprehensive resource on safety and security. Their website consolidates product reviews, videos, articles, and more to educate consumers. SafeWise contextualizes national crime trends to showcase how they impact local communities.   

With this knowledge, SafeWise critically examines safety products to provide honest assessments. As Rebecca explains, "We do more than conduct research—we test home security systems and smart devices in-house to report on the good, the bad, and the ugly." They call out any flaws or questionable practices to push the industry forward.   

This passion for empowering consumers and bettering communities is at the heart of SafeWise's work. As Rebecca puts it, "Our mission is to inspire people to embrace safety as a lifestyle, turn their homes into sanctuaries, and invest in their communities." Through rigorous research and reporting, SafeWise gives people the tools to take control of their safety.   

Proactive Safety Advocate   

Rebecca's commitment to safety extends beyond her role at SafeWise. She's driven by a desire to help individuals and families protect themselves, whether it's through advising on security systems, highlighting safety trends, or educating parents about online safety for their children.   

Rebecca cautions against posting identifiable details that could compromise children's privacy and security. She advises, "Do not think that you should share images of your children online, especially with any identifying characteristics."   

Rebecca says, "We have gotten the cart before the horse with social media. Now it's how do you rein it back in?" She recommends private online groups and other tools to share child updates only with selected family and friends.   

One of her key messages is the importance of being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to safety. She emphasizes the significance of taking preventive measures, such as installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, using outdoor security cameras, and implementing parental control applications to safeguard children's online experiences.   

Rebecca also encourages families to establish a digital code of conduct and a set of best practices for online behavior. By instilling responsible and respectful internet habits from a young age, she believes we can create a community of responsible digital citizens.   

Looking ahead, Rebecca envisions SafeWise becoming a household name synonymous with safety and security. She hopes the platform will continue to expand its advocacy efforts, addressing pressing issues such as gun violence and package theft. Ultimately, her goal is to provide a trusted resource for individuals and families to enhance their safety and well-being.   

In her relentless pursuit of a safer world, Rebecca Edwards is a guiding light of inspiration and a champion for all those seeking to protect what matters most.   

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