
15 LinkedIn Branding Tips to Promote Your Business

15 LinkedIn Branding Tips to Promote Your Business

From making meaningful connections to generating leads and building your brand awareness, LinkedIn is one of the most-effective platforms. The B2B marketing space continues to evolve, providing an excellent opportunity for small business owners. LinkedIn is a trusted platform; you can consider leveraging LinkedIn for business. Here we will share 15 practical LinkedIn branding tips to help you build communities and increase your brand awareness over the internet.  

How to Use LinkedIn for Business?  

Below are the listed tips that will help you promote your business on LinkedIn seamlessly:  

Identify Your Goals 

Before you start preparing your content strategy, you should take time to identify your goals. Understanding what you want to achieve will help you create an ideal plan for the goals. For instance, you want to image your brand as an industry leader, or our goal could be to find meaningful and relevant partners via the platform. Therefore, you should sit down and take a proper understanding of your goals. Take time to understand your product and identify your goals properly. 

Complete Summary Section 

LinkedIn is one of the most effective platforms that may help you achieve your professional goals. However, you cannot expect your potential customers to know everything about you. Optimizing your profile for search and completing the summary section for LinkedIn branding is necessary. Make sure you provide a complete, detailed account of your business.

Give a brief and crisp description that appeals to your audience. Go through other descriptions to understand what words you should use and how to conceptualize the story. Do not make it too long, as it will hamper the readers' interest. Break it into paragraphs and bullet points to make it more appealing and readable.  

Optimize Your Page 

To attract potential customers and visitors, you need an appealing profile. Optimize your page for search and make it SEO-friendly so that it is easy to search. You may consider using the translation language feature if you serve a global language. It will allow you to have up to twenty languages on the page. Consider adding the relevant industry-specific keywords that describe your business and information about your services. Use keywords in your company description and other details.  

Add a branded cover image and make sure that the size is correct. You may even consider adding a custom button to attract the audience to act for your LinkedIn branding. For instance, LinkedIn allows you to add options such as Contact Us, Learn More, Visit Website, or Register.  

Know Your Customers 

You should consider learning about your audience, whether it is social media, a website, or any other marketing collateral. Knowing the target audience will help you understand and conceptualize the posts accordingly. You can create posts for educational and entertainment purposes for customers. Check the analytics to know where your audience is coming from. It will help you create posts that will be ideal for your target audience.  

Read Also: 5 Common Ways to Reach Out to Customers

Create Posts of Different Lengths 

Building a reputation and creating awareness on LinkedIn is not that easy. You should consider creating a variety of posts for your LinkedIn business page. Keep a mix of images, videos, text, blogs, polls, and other forms of content in your LinkedIn branding strategy. Make sure that the content is in alignment with the interest of your target audience. You may even consider sharing blog links or other relevant links. LinkedIn rewards copy-based posts more than other formats. Therefore, you should make sure that you do a mix of posts that may help you create to connect with your audience.  

Post Engaging Content  

Another effective strategy for promoting on LinkedIn is to pay attention to the type of content you are posting. Make sure the posts are engaging and the videos are fun to watch. Take inputs from your team members to understand and determine the engagement factor of the posts. Your LinkedIn branding strategy should also focus on storytelling or sharing stories to humanize the brand. The statistics reveal that more than six million people attended virtual events on LinkedIn. You may consider hosting events to increase your page's engagement and promote the business on LinkedIn. 

Use Sponsored Updates  

LinkedIn marketing can be changing, especially when the algorithm keeps on changing. You can enhance your efforts by doing more sponsored posts on LinkedIn. The pay-per-click or pay-per-1000 feature may allow you to target ideal and potential customer groups. Sponsored posts or promotions may help target a specific niche or may help increase website visitors. Make sure that the content is compelling and engaging so that it may help you generate more leads.   

Get Active in LinkedIn Groups  

One of the most-effective LinkedIn branding tips could be to engage and connect with more small business owners. Consider joining groups that are active on LinkedIn and relevant to the industry. Do not be a mute spectator in the group. Consider interacting with others and interact with the group members. Share valuable and insightful information in the groups that may help other members. Avoid promoting your services and making it all about yourself. Talk about the industry in general and build more meaningful relationships with the audience.  

Keep Your Publishing Schedule Consistent  

We all understand LinkedIn branding cannot work without posting and content. However, most professionals and small business owners often make this mistake and mess up with the posting schedules. Posting at irregular schedules and not maintaining consistency can impact your page’s growth negatively. You should prepare the calendar for your business page one month in advance. Follow the proper timing schedules to make sure that it reaches the audience. Try posting at least two to three times weekly and maintain consistency across the platform.  

Get Employees Involved  

Your employees are not just assets but could help you significantly with your LinkedIn branding and promotions. Give your employees a face and improve the platform's employee branding feature. Consider sharing pictures of your employees and promoting them on LinkedIn. Talk about the team-building activities that the organization conducts. You may also consider asking your employees to share office or team pictures on LinkedIn.  

Read Also: 12 Tips and Tricks to Use LinkedIn Like a Pro

Start Your Group  

Finding and joining the right group is never easy. It can be a daunting task to shortlist the right group. The alternative to this could be starting your group. You will also have complete authority over approving and adding the right members. Add members and ask them further to add more members to the group. Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise by sharing relevant information in the group. Build a brand and create an effective community of members from the industry.  

Use InMail  

A message with a sponsored InMail could be another effective LinkedIn branding strategy. Studies have revealed that InMail has better response rates than other marketing and sponsored content forms. Keep the content of the email message short and crispy. Besides this, you may consider adding personalization to the message. Make sure you do not rely solely on InMails for promotions and marketing on LinkedIn.  

Avoid Hard Selling  

One thing that you should always keep in mind while strategizing LinkedIn branding is that you should avoid hard selling. Every individual may have a different perspective and approach. It is necessary to understand that your LinkedIn page should not always talk about the products or services. Try to focus on the customer and avoid hard selling on LinkedIn. Use storytelling or target the emotional appeal to make it more engaging. Treat LinkedIn like other platforms and forms of marketing. Learn more about content marketing and keep track of the latest trends to strategize accordingly.  

Start with Connections 

LinkedIn is a platform designed to make meaningful and healthy connections with other professionals. You should start by finding and building more connections online as a business owner. Increase your connections so that you can pitch your business to them later. Take every connection as a new opportunity. It may help you connect with potential partners and growth experts. Do not send a connection request to random people. Try to find people from your industry with whom you can connect and create meaningful relationships.  

Go Through Data Analytics  

Knowing the effectiveness of the posts and campaigns can help you determine what has worked for your page and what has not. Take time to understand and keep the analytics at your fingertips. The insights and analytics can help you determine the opportunities and strengths of your page. Make sure you check the analytics weekly and monthly to be better informed.  

Final Thoughts  

LinkedIn branding and marketing are not easy to master. You must be creative and take different steps to differentiate or highlight your brand. Consider incorporating a mix of these fifteen strategies and gear up for growth in 2022 and beyond.

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