
Male Menopause is Not a Myth

Male Menopause is Not a Myth

Male menopause, scientifically called andropause, exists. Yes, you have heard it right.  Male Menopause is Not a Myth. 

Hormonal changes occur both in men and women as part of aging. In women, menopause puts an end to fertility and has clear-cut signs in comparison to andropause, which occurs gradually in men. The most important male hormone testosterone starts to dip in men after a certain age that can result in physical, sexual, and psychological issues.   

In males, testosterone hormone is produced in the testes. It does more than fuel their sex drive. In fact, it is also responsible for the changes during puberty, fuels their mental and physical energy, maintains their muscle mass, regulates their fight-or-flight response, as well as controls other key evolutionary features.  

According to a report by European Urology Open Science, with advancing age, men experience a gradual reduction in circulating, biologically available testosterone. A decline in serum testosterone levels is believed to progress at a rate of approximately 1% every year from as early as age 30 years, and a noticeable decline typically occurs after the age of 50 years. Andropause is also known as Late-onset Hypogonadism/Androgen Decline in the Aging Male.   

Male menopause differs from female menopause in several ways. For one thing, not all men experience it. For instance , andropause is not observed in all men and it doesn’t completely stop the fertility potential of men. However, sexual complications may arise as a result of your lowered hormone levels. This is usually observed in men who are obese and have co-morbidities.   

1. Conditions that Aggravate Andropause  

Testosterone is a vital male sex hormone that plays a key role in the regulation of men’s fertility. Increased or decreased levels of testosterone hormone can affect men in various ways. Some of the conditions that can aggravate andropause include testicular injury, problems in the pituitary gland, obesity, infection of testicles, kidney disease, diabetes, some medications, and genetic diseases like Klinefelter syndrome (a genetic condition wherein a boy is born with an extra X chromosome).  

2. Symptoms of Male Menopause  

Male menopause or andropause can lead to physical, sexual, and even psychological problems. These problems usually worsen as one gets older. The symptoms of andropause can include low energy levels, depression or sadness, low self-confidence, decreased motivation, difficulty in concentration, increased body fat, insomnia or sleep problems, gynecomastia (development of breasts), physical weakness, reduced muscle mass, decreased bone density, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and infertility.  

Men affected by andropause may also experience loss of body hair, decreased testicle size, swollen or tender breasts, or hot flashes. Low levels of testosterone may not only result in male menopause but also osteoporosis – a condition where the bones become feeble and brittle. However, these symptoms are rare. Typically, these symptoms affect men around the same age as women who are entering menopause.  

Other symptoms of andropause may include sudden, unexplained weight loss, excessive sweating, changes in heat and cold sensitivity, dry skin or skin rashes, headaches, changes in heart rate and blood pressure, irritability, anxiety, depression, and increased thirst and frequent urination.  

3. Dealing with Male Menopause  

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, see your physician. Most men are very uncomfortable discussing menopause. However, one should try to talk about ways that can help relieve their symptoms. They should ask how they can ease their stress, and, at the same time, encourage better sleep habits, or start an exercise regimen with their spouse.  

If one suspects that he may be suffering from andropause, he can easily test his hormone levels at home. Many companies sell testosterone home-testing kits that use saliva to test hormone levels. After taking the test, the sample is sent to a laboratory for testing.  

Men with low hormone levels should consume enough protein at every meal, consume healthy fats, avoid sugar and refined carbs, drink green tea, avoid overeating, eat fish often, engage in regular exercise, and learn to manage stress. At the same time, it is important to moderate alcohol consumption, stay active, and get enough sleep.  

4. Treating Andropause  

Fortunately, male menopause can be treated. Lifestyle modifications can help men overcome many of the symptoms associated with andropause. Andropause is a normal issue that happens with aging in men and one need not panic. If you have any issues, consult an andrologist for treatment and advice.   

There are a number of procedures to treat male menopause. Some of them are as below:  

  • Testosterone Gel: This gel has to be directly applied to the arms or shoulders. Some precautions have to be taken while applying the gel.   
  • Testosterone Skin Patches: Skin patch results in the steady release of Testosterone and this can be applied to the abdomen, thighs, etc.   
  • Testosterone Tablets: Tablets are also used to treat the symptoms of male andropause. Men who have heart, kidney, or liver disease should not take these tablets.   
  • Testosterone Injections: This injection is given every 2 to 4 weeks.  
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