WomLEAD Magazine ISSUE #60


Keeping at it 

Andy Dunn, the co-founder of Bonobos, once said, “Companies don’t die because they fail, but because entrepreneurs give up.” Not every day is rosy and amazingly bright when you are an entrepreneur. Many great founders also do not make it for various reasons. As a business owner, you will have hundreds of aspects to look after, and with or without help, you will falter at times. But the things that will keep you going are focus, dedication, and commitment. You have to convince yourself that the problems are “temporary” and not without a fix. The trials and tribulations are all part and parcel of starting out on your own and following your dreams. Successful companies do not get built overnight. You will have a lot of ups and downs along the way and feel like giving up many times. But the greatest success stories are all laced with war wounds that have ultimately brought them where they are today.  

In the spirit of “not giving up”, we are here with yet another issue of WomLEAD Magazine to give startup owners that added push in the face of adversity. We feature stories of trailblazing women entrepreneurs who internalized their dream and passion to make an impact in their respective fields. They personify the fact that not everything will be under your control, but between fight or flight, they choose to fight and emerge victorious. 

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Keeping at it 

Andy Dunn, the co-founder of Bonobos, once said, “Companies don’t die because they fail, but because entrepreneurs give up.” Not every day is rosy and amazingly bright when you are an entrepreneur. Many great founders also do not make it for various reasons. As a business owner, you will have hundreds of aspects to look after, and with or without help, you will falter at times. But the things that will keep you going are focus, dedication, and commitment. You have to convince yourself that the problems are “temporary” and not without a fix. The trials and tribulations are all part and parcel of starting out on your own and following your dreams. Successful companies do not get built overnight. You will have a lot of ups and downs along the way and feel like giving up many times. But the greatest success stories are all laced with war wounds that have ultimately brought them where they are today.  

In the spirit of “not giving up”, we are here with yet another issue of WomLEAD Magazine to give startup owners that added push in the face of adversity. We feature stories of trailblazing women entrepreneurs who internalized their dream and passion to make an impact in their respective fields. They personify the fact that not everything will be under your control, but between fight or flight, they choose to fight and emerge victorious.  

From this issue, you’ll learn things like…

Our Cover Girl, Vonda Page
Who guides change aspirants to experience meaningful outcomes through her venture Radical Change LLC. 

Samantha Adams
Who specializes in connecting brands and consumers through influencer management and social media strategy.   

Film Director and artist Robbie J. Atkinson
Who is shattering glass ceilings and redefining digital entertainment. 

Business consultant Rebecca Ahmed
Who is impacting lives through philanthropy and people services (HR). 

Executive Tax Consultant Sarah Magruder
Who is guiding companies to understand complex tax laws and make substantial gains. 

Entrepreneur Sheryl Brinkley’s ITM Coaching Next Level
Which helps people overcome career challenges and become better leaders of tomorrow.  

For women entrepreneurs who are just starting out, we also have interesting pieces of advice from female startup founders on entrepreneurship. 

And so much more. 

Additional information




Deborah Bishop, Dominika Rigó, Naghilia Desravines, Tamara Johnson, Tracie L. James, Trina Ramsey


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